If you are thinking of investing in an express exterior car wash, you have likely already researched the impressive growth of the industry. Let’s take a quick look at some of the reasons car washes are more in demand than ever before.
Households have more vehicles – Whereas one and two-vehicle families were once the norm, more and more households have three or four vehicles. More vehicles means more business for car washes.
Consumers want convenience options – Fewer people want to take the time to wash their cars at home. In fact, they don’t even want to wait for a hand wash or use a coin-operated manual wash. Express exterior washes are the most in-demand because they get the car clean with minimal time and effort on the part of the driver.
Local regulations – To protect the environment, many communities have placed restrictions on water usage. This can make it impossible to wash a car at home. It also helps shine a light on the fact that car washes are usually the more eco-friendly solutions, especially ones with modern equipment like water reclamation systems.
Improved technology – The past concerns over automatic car washes are being eliminated by modern tech. Water reclamation makes washes more eco-friendly. Soft brushes protect the surface of the vehicle. Green cleaning agents get the car clean without harmful chemicals.
The new normal – Many car owners would rather go through an express tunnel wash than sit in a waiting room with others waiting for an auto detailing. So conveyor-style car wash owners now have a unique advantage over hand wash businesses because they can offer contactless service.
Unlimited wash plans – New loyalty programs are meeting the wants and needs of modern consumers. Unlimited monthly wash plans offer the convenience of a subscription service. And express exterior washes are equipped to handle the business without a huge jump in overhead. You get customer loyalty at a fraction of the cost of new customer acquisition.
Get the Express Exterior Car Wash Business of Your Dreams
Car Wash Pro Designers can take your investor goals from the drawing board to reality. We offer experienced design and construction capabilities. However, we can also help you develop a business plan to get funding from a bank and train your staff and management team. When we say we offer turnkey express exterior car wash businesses, we mean business!